Radial Maze

Spatial discrimination, working memory, reference memory, learning and memory, strategy, lateralization...

Radial Maze


The Radial Maze consists of an aluminum structure covered in PVC, forming a central platform from which 8 arms radiate. A videotracking system can accurately locate the animal in the center and in the arms. The access to each arm is controlled by an automatic door. At the extremity of each arm, a pellet dispenser distributes a food pellet in a slot hidden in the floor.

This apparatus is connected to an electronic interface, which provides the formatting of signals from sensors and allows the communication with the computer.

The position of the animal is detected by our Videotracking system.



The software allows:Screenshot radial maze

  • editing exercises, the establishment of a library of exercises,
  • managing the inputs and outputs according to the exercise: opening / shuttingdoors, distribution / withdrawal of reward, confinement to the center,
  • displaying variables in real time and graphs,
  • managing the experiments session per session,
  • saving all the events in encoded files,
  • storing the video,
  • replaying the recording.


A software module for managing data files allows the calculation of many output variables:screenshot var

  • working memory errors,
  • reference memory errors,
  • correct responses,
  • strategy,
  • lateralization,
  • hesitation,
  • time to go.




A large number of variables may be obtained. They are arranged in a Microsoft Excel compatible file.


An equivalent of the Radial Maze is available to conduct tests on Humans, please visit: Virtual Radial Maze.

The location of the animal is processed by our videotracking software.

We install the video camera in your room on an aluminium bar. No holes in the walls are required for the installation of the bar.

Coupling with Electrophysiology / Optogenetics

We propose solutions to couple the analysis of the behavior with electrophysiological recordings and optogenetic activation.


We propose:


We developed:

  • a rotation and rearing compensator, compatible with any optical commutator,
  • a device to activate lasers. This accessory sends electric signals up to 500Hz. The experimenter decides the exact moment according to clocks or behavioral outputs at which a customized train of pulses may be sent to the laser to specifically activate the aimed bunch of neurons.