The location of the animal in the Y-Maze may be acquired by infrared sensors or by our videotracking system. Our videotracking system may be used to detect the position of the animal in openfields and various mazes (Y, T, radial maze, elevated + maze, water maze,…).
Our Y-maze is composed of :
- a Y shaped structure in PVC,
- a rotating part, to easily clean the maze,
- three sliding doors to configure the maze as “forced choice” or “free choice”,
- sensors for location
Each Y-Maze is connected to an electronic interface, which provides the formatting of signals from infrared sensors and allows communication with the computer.

The Y-Maze exists in a rotative version.
The software allows the simultaneous and independent management of up to 10 Y-Mazes. Our software:
- displays the behavioral outputs as graphs in real time,
- manages the experiment as phases: forced choice, free choice,
- records the position of the animal,
- replays the experiments with different parameters
A software module for managing data files can calculate output variables:
- latency,
- time spent in each arm,
- % time spent in each arm,
- number of entries in each arm,
- % number of entries in each arm,
- kinetics of all variables.
A large number of variables may be obtained. They are arranged in a Microsoft Excel compatible file.
Coupling with Electrophysiology / Optogenetics
We propose solutions to couple the analysis of the behavior with electrophysiological recordings and optogenetic activation.
We propose:
We developed:
- a rotation and rearing compensator, compatible with any optical commutator,
- a device to activate lasers. This accessory sends electric signals up to 500Hz. The experimenter decides the exact moment according to clocks or behavioral outputs at which a customized train of pulses may be sent to the laser to specifically activate the aimed bunch of neurons.