Imetronic offers a wide range of services in order to improve the efficiency of your research.
Imetronic’s design office is in tune with you. We first discuss about your project, then we help you designing it. After validation of the project, we produce the customized apparatus. We adapt to the specificity of your thematic and to your budget, in order to give you complete satisfaction.
We may also give you advice about:
The Good Laboratory Practice (GLP) is unavoidable for the majority of private research companies and CRO. Our GLP module may be added to all our softwares. This module requires the creation of an administrator, who manages the users’ accounts. The accounts are nominative and each user has got an ID, a password, and a duration of availability. Our software needs a series of infor...
As we create and manufacture all our apparatus, we ensure after-sales service by ourselves, in mechanics, electronics, and informatics. During the warranty period, this service is free of charge, of course. Once this period elapsed, we propose two types of maintenance interventions to keep your systems in the best conditions:
When possible, we deliver our apparatus and train future users. No intermediate, we assure a direct link between the producer and the client. We teach you how to quickly and easily master the management of our apparatus and softwares. We propose training in French and in English.
We provide a User Guide and a Starting Guide, for the experimenter to be able to immediately launc...
You are looking for an industrial collaborator to create, adapt, upgrade, or even mechanize the production of a behavioral test? Imetronic will certainly become one of your key interlocutors. We will pool our expertise together in order to reach your goal.
We already developed several tests under licensing with public research laboratories.
Every project is studied in d...